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Drying Equipment

Drying Equipment

To avoid corrosion and drying spots on the tumbled parts, drying equipment is used. When the liquid-coated parts are fed out of the tumbling machine, they are passed through a drying machine.

There are three main types of drying machines: vibratory dryers, centrifugal dryers and tunnel dryers.

Circular vibrating dryer with rising bottom ramp type EVK

For best discharge and separation

  • Good discharge characteristics due to rising bottom ramp.
  • Dust cover as standard.
  • Connection for extraction.
  • Polyurethane coated.
  • Adapted for assembly with tumbling machine.


Centrifugal Dryer

  • Centrifugation with hot air
  • Suitable for products where a drying medium cannot be used, for example if the products have small threaded holes
  • The machine is tiltable for emptying


Tunnel Dryer

Tunnel dryers are often used for tumbling larger and more complex parts. Commonly used in foundries where there are often large variations in the size and complexity of the parts.